Books by Sandeep



The Best Thing Ever Happened ?

Successful Marriage is like a mathematical equation – a sum total of luck, intentions and actions. However, majority couples are unaware how to choose their compatible match.

Well, is there any checklist of an ideal partner? Does courtship period reveal your true identity?

Lack of clarity about what your spouse really wants, leads to a thriller web-series, with continuous episodes of love, anger, hatred, lies, mischief, foul play, crime and eventually, marriage meets its ugly fate!

Are you single or married? Happily married or struggling? Confused about divorce or decided already?

This Book includes 8 Powerful action-packed Worksheets, to assist you in making informed choices; when you are stuck at the crossroads and unaware, which way to steer your life and relationships.

It will help you cut-through any redundant relationship and your own limiting beliefs, paving way for a smooth transition in your life, ensuring you live happily ever after…

Drawing inspiration from real-life experiences, I believe my efforts in crafting this book will go a long way to fulfil my mission – “Touch & Transform Lives for the Better…”