Touch & Transform
Lives for the Better
- Sandeep Bogra
Founder - Someone Listening™
Get in Touch My Story
Divorce is a dreaded thought for everyone tying the marital knot, hoping to live happily ever after. Still, many marriages meet their ugly fate.
Successful Marriage is like a mathematical equation - a sum total of luck, intentions and actions. Well, is there any checklist of an ideal partner? What if you're incompatible?
Irrespective of your relationship status, this Book (including 8 Powerful Worksheets) will assist you in making informed choices in your relationships... Read More
Inspired by my personal experiences, I started guiding my friends and family several years ago and realized that there were countless people in the world outside, waiting for Someone, with whom they could pour their heart out, with full trust and confidence and receive professional coaching, using proven tools and strategies, to steer in the direction of success.
What's the point that I faced numerous challenges in my life, overcame it like a phoenix rising from ashes, but did nothing to assist others? My problems gave me the purpose to serve you.
Being 'passionate about people' and continuously
striving to add value to your life and relationships,
I founded "Someone Listening®" in 2008, based on the belief that when something goes wrong, all you need to begin with - an opportunity to speak up and feel understood by Someone, who Listens to you and helps you to have meaningful choices in life.
My Burning Desire -
"Touch & Transform Lives for the Better..."
It doesn't matter who am I
I wish you never need to cry,
Speak your heart, don't feel shy
Time to outshine, come let's fly,
I'm with you always; I'll never deny
You are Supreme, my Dearest Ally,
You can be happy, it's not a lie
We'll do it together; I don't believe in only I
I completed my coach training at Robbins-Madanes Training under my teachers Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha.
Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) approved under ABNLP (The American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming) & IHA (International Hypnosis Association LLC).
Approved Counsellor from The Institute of Natural Healing, UK which is fully accredited by the national awarding body NCFE, at Level 4 of the National Qualification Framework (NQF).
Certified in Business Communication Skills from Dale Carnegie Training.
Chartered Accountant (CA) from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Executive MBA (Finance) from Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad. Started my career at McKinsey & Company and gained a decade of Management Consulting experience in India and across Middle East.
A dog-lover, philanthropist and an active member of Rotary International Club.
I'm a Catalyst for Change.
Influence your thinking patterns & Inspire Independent Action for Impacting lives positively.
Tailor-made Seminars and Key-note presentations,
with a varied experience of working with Corporates, Industrial Associations, Universities & Colleges spanning across North India.
With my undivided attention to your innermost feelings and a quest for soul searching, I provide individuals with One-on-One Life and Relationship coaching, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve results in your areas of life.
Different Needs. Unique Offerings. Customizable Products & Services.
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My journey started with my own healing and eventually guiding others, to transform their lives and relationships.